Shivek Khurana
1 min readFeb 25, 2019


Hi Diego,

I’m glad this helped you. Writing an electron builder post was in the pipeline, but the process was so small that it didn’t make for a full-length tutorial.

You can use Gulp. Or if you are like me and prefer minimal dependencies, just simple yarn scripts would do.

Here’s what I did.

  • We need to build the renderer and move the compiled html to build/html folder. For this, I have a build:renderer script (in main’s package.json):
"scripts": {
"build:renderer": "cd ../renderer; yarn build; cd ../main; cp -r ../renderer/build ./build/html"
  • Next, you need to tell electron to use CRA server in dev mode and build/html in prod. To do this make the following changes to main’s index.js :
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev') {
} else {

And setup the env in main’s package.json scripts:

"electron": "electron src",
"start": "NODE_ENV=dev nodemon --watch ./src/*.js --watch ./src/**/*.js --exec 'yarn electron'",
"dist": "rm -rf dist/; NODE_ENV=prod electron-builder",

And finally, make the database files and the compiled html files available on process.resourcesPath :

(In you main’s package.json add electron-builder’s config):

"build": {
"appId": "com.httpslocalhost",
"mac": {
"category": ""
"productName": "HTTPSLocalhost",
"extraResources": [

"files": [

You can now run yarn dist to get a packaged application. You might need to tweak this if you need to include non-standard resources, but this is the jist of it.




Shivek Khurana
Shivek Khurana

Written by Shivek Khurana

🏋🏻‍♂️ Founder — Building Meta Blocks — The NFT evolution protocol | 🔫 Talks about 📜 code, 🏛 crypto, 🕸 web3 and 🪖 ed-tech | 👼🏼 Angel Investor | W

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